Setelah sebelumnya memberikan video tutorial rubik 3x3 dan 4x4, kali ini IT Programmer akan memberikan link download video tutorial menyelesaikan rubik 5x5. Video tutorial kali ini merupakan lanjutan dari video tutorial rubik sebelumnya. Dan yang membuat video tersebut juga merupakan orang yang sama.
Jadi, jika kalian mengikuti video tutorial yang saya berikan ini dari awal, maka tidaklah sulit untuk memahami permainan rubik ini. Karena setiap penyelesaian rubik tersebut berkaitan satu sama lain. Nah, silahkan download video ini pada link dibawah:
Rubik 5x5 Part 1
Rubik 5x5 Part 2
Rubik 5x5 Part 3
Rubik 5x5 Part 4
Semoga link video diatas berguna bagi teman-teman yang ingin belajar bermain rubik.
"Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhi, Om"
Kamis, 18 November 2010
Cara Memasang Wallpaper Bergerak di Desktop Windows 7 dengan DreamScene
Pernahkah kalian melihat wallpaper yang bergerak di desktop kalian? Misalkan ada gambar wallpaper dimana terdapat banyak pohon sakura. Lalu terdapat animasi bergerak yang menunjukkan bunga sakura berguguran. Atau misalkan gambar air terjun yang menunjukkan animasi air yang turun di air terjun. Tentu desktop kita terlihat lebih indah bukan.
Kalian bisa melakukan itu semua di Windows 7 kalian. Pertama kalian membutuhkan file agar desktop kalian bisa menjalankan file .wmv sebagai wallpaper. Untuk itu kalian butuh suatu file yaitu Windows 7 DreamScene Enabled. Download pada link dibawah ini:
Download Windows7 - DreamScene Enabled
Setelah kalian mendownload Windows7 DreamScene Enabled, jalankan file tersebut, usahakan agar menjalankannya sebagai Administrator. Jika sudah, kalian mulai bisa menggunakan file DreamScene sebagai wallpaper. Tapi jika kalian belum mempunyainya, kalian bisa mengunjungi situs ini untuk mendapatkan wallpaper bergerak tersebut:
Semoga tips dan trik ini berguna.
Kalian bisa melakukan itu semua di Windows 7 kalian. Pertama kalian membutuhkan file agar desktop kalian bisa menjalankan file .wmv sebagai wallpaper. Untuk itu kalian butuh suatu file yaitu Windows 7 DreamScene Enabled. Download pada link dibawah ini:
Download Windows7 - DreamScene Enabled
Setelah kalian mendownload Windows7 DreamScene Enabled, jalankan file tersebut, usahakan agar menjalankannya sebagai Administrator. Jika sudah, kalian mulai bisa menggunakan file DreamScene sebagai wallpaper. Tapi jika kalian belum mempunyainya, kalian bisa mengunjungi situs ini untuk mendapatkan wallpaper bergerak tersebut:
Semoga tips dan trik ini berguna.
Make Windows Super Fast!!! with Ultimate Windows Tweaker
WinVistaClub has finally released one of the best and powerful tweaking utility for Windows(created by Microsoft MVP Ramesh). It can tweak and optimize almost every thing in Windows Vista (32-bit and 64-bit) and certain (most) tweaks work for Windows XP too!. This small and free utility will make your Windows more faster, secure and stable in a few mouse clicks.It will tweak Windows Vista to its Best. This program is made user friendly and is portable. Lets see what all it does.
It has a lot of features.This program has an ability to detect whether you have installed IE7 or IE8 and give the relevant tweaks according to the version installed on you system. Different tweaks have been organized into various sections, they are :
1) Personalization,
2) User Accounts & UAC,
3) System & Performance,
4) Security,
5) Internet Explorer (IE7 / IE8)
6) Network Optimization
7) Additional Options

1) Personalization,
2) User Accounts & UAC,
3) System & Performance,
4) Security,
5) Internet Explorer (IE7 / IE8)
6) Network Optimization
7) Additional Options
This program features over 130 tweaks and is portable (380kb) ie. it can be run without installing. Whats more you can safely tweak windows because it has the option to create a System Restore Point too!. The program is currently in the beta stage and the Final version will be out soon. So subscribe and keep updated.
It is mainly made for Windows Vista versions.
Windows xp mode pada windows 7
BackgroundYou may have a sense of worry when your laptop or your computer installed windows 7. It could be because of worries programs or your favorite software already installed either on Windows XP will not run in Windows 7. This is one of many concerns that I encountered.Try now specify what software are not the way in Windows 7 but in XP the normal way tuh, surely you already know the answer right? Well now, how ya solution? Anyway we want this application the normal way in Windows 7 our favorite.Now things like there is a solution if you're using Windows XP Mode in Windows 7 you. Curious? Let's follow my explanation.Introduction to Windows XP modeWindows XP mode, have you ever heard of before? I first heard of this mode of Windows XP when I attended a seminar Office Business Application (OBA) at the Auditorium of PT Microsoft Indonesia in July 2009. In this seminar was demonstrated Windows XP mode. Hmm ... this turned out a solution, ... time is not yet release of Windows 7, so I have not much experience about the applications on Windows 7, is it still like Windows Vista that supposedly there are also some applications that are less / not going well.Windows XP Mode technology is the development of Virtual PC that uses virtualization technology such as the Hyper-V. Please refer to here about Hyper-V.Where Can Retrieved Mode Windows XP?Currently you can get Windows XP Mode in that page you should select the appropriate mode of Windows XP with Windows 7 version you use. With a note you can only use this mode of Windows XP Professional on Windows 7, Windows 7 Enterprise, and Windows 7 Ultimate.Here's a description when you select the version of Windows 7 in addition to the above:
If you have a Windows 7 Enterprise, select like this:
Notice also install sequences listed on the page.Installing Windows XP ModeYou need to consider if you're using Intel processors, please check whether your processor supports virtualization. To check it using the tools of your stay here Enable Intel Virtualization Technology features through your computer's BIOS.See below:Make sure the CPU (R) Virtualization Technology worth YES. If not you need to be enabled in the BIOS. Incidentally, I use a laptop so that by default is worth YES, please read here to find out your computer's BIOS support.After that, you can install Windows XP mode, Windows Virtual PC, and Windows XP Update Mode, respectively.When you are finished installing the upper third. now to the Start Menu> Windows Virtual PC> Windows XP mode. You are here will do a little setting your Windows XP mode.
After that, you can enjoy the Windows XP mode.
Hard disk partition your computer readable even in Windows XP mode. Now you can perform the installation of Windows XP applications in Windows XP this mode. Can Full Screen and have your USB membanca support and many other features.Hopefully this post helps you.
BackgroundYou may have a sense of worry when your laptop or your computer installed windows 7. It could be because of worries programs or your favorite software already installed either on Windows XP will not run in Windows 7. This is one of many concerns that I encountered.Try now specify what software are not the way in Windows 7 but in XP the normal way tuh, surely you already know the answer right? Well now, how ya solution? Anyway we want this application the normal way in Windows 7 our favorite.Now things like there is a solution if you're using Windows XP Mode in Windows 7 you. Curious? Let's follow my explanation.Introduction to Windows XP modeWindows XP mode, have you ever heard of before? I first heard of this mode of Windows XP when I attended a seminar Office Business Application (OBA) at the Auditorium of PT Microsoft Indonesia in July 2009. In this seminar was demonstrated Windows XP mode. Hmm ... this turned out a solution, ... time is not yet release of Windows 7, so I have not much experience about the applications on Windows 7, is it still like Windows Vista that supposedly there are also some applications that are less / not going well.Windows XP Mode technology is the development of Virtual PC that uses virtualization technology such as the Hyper-V. Please refer to here about Hyper-V.Where Can Retrieved Mode Windows XP?Currently you can get Windows XP Mode in that page you should select the appropriate mode of Windows XP with Windows 7 version you use. With a note you can only use this mode of Windows XP Professional on Windows 7, Windows 7 Enterprise, and Windows 7 Ultimate.
Installing Windows XP ModeYou need to consider if you're using Intel processors, please check whether your processor supports virtualization. To check it using the tools of your stay here Enable Intel Virtualization Technology features through your computer's BIOS.See below:Make sure the CPU (R) Virtualization Technology worth YES. If not you need to be enabled in the BIOS. Incidentally, I use a laptop so that by default is worth YES, please read here to find out your computer's BIOS support.After that, you can install Windows XP mode, Windows Virtual PC, and Windows XP Update Mode, respectively.When you are finished installing the upper third. now to the Start Menu> Windows Virtual PC> Windows XP mode. You are here will do a little setting your Windows XP mode.After that, you can enjoy the Windows XP mode.Hard disk partition your computer readable even in Windows XP mode. Now you can perform the installation of Windows XP applications in Windows XP this mode. Can Full Screen and have your USB membanca support and many other features.Hopefully this post helps you.
Windows xp mode on windows 7
Latar Belakang
Anda mungkin punya rasa khawatir ketika laptop Anda atau komputer Anda diinstall windows 7. Bisa jadi karena khawatir program-program atau software-software kesayangan Anda yang sudah terinstall baik di Windows XP tidak jalan di Windows 7. Ini merupakan salah satu kekhawatiran yang banyak saya temui.
Coba sekarang sebutkan software apa saja yang nggak jalan di Windows 7 tapi di XP jalan normal tuh, pasti Anda sudah tahu jawabannya kan? Nah sekarang, gimana nih solusinya? Pokoknya kita pengen Aplikasi ini jalan normal di Windows 7 kesayangan kita.
Sekarang hal seperti ada solusinya jika Anda menggunakan Windows XP Mode di Windows 7 Anda. Penasaran? Mari ikuti penjelasan saya.
Pengenalan Windows XP Mode
Windows XP Mode, apakah Anda pernah dengar sebelumnya? Saya pertama kali mendengar Windows XP Mode ini ketika saya mengikuti seminar Office Business Application (OBA) di Auditorium PT Microsoft Indonesia bulan juli 2009. Dalam seminar ini sempat didemokan Windows XP Mode. Hmm… Ternyata ini solusinya,… waktu itu belum rilis Windows 7, sehingga saya belum banyak pengalaman tentang aplikasi-aplikasi di Windows 7, apakah masih seperti Windows Vista yang konon juga ada beberapa aplikasi yang kurang/tidak berjalan dengan baik.
Teknologi Windows XP Mode merupakan pengembangan dari Virtual PC yang menggunakan teknologi Virtualisasi seperti pada Hyper-V. Silahkan simak di sinimengenai Hyper-V.
Di Mana Bisa Diperoleh Windows XP Mode?
Saat ini Anda bisa memperoleh Windows XP Mode di .
Pada halaman tersebut Anda harus memilih Windows XP Mode yang sesuai dengan versi Windows 7 yang Anda gunakan. Dengan catatan Anda hanya bisa menggunakan Windows XP Mode ini pada Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 Enterprise, dan Windows 7 Ultimate.
Berikut keterangan ketika Anda memilih selain versi Windows 7 ke atas:
Perhatikan juga urutan -urutan install yang tertera di halaman tersebut.
Instalasi Windows XP Mode
Perlu Anda perhatikan jika Anda menggunakan processor Intel, silahkan cek processor Anda apakah mendukung virtualisasi. Untuk mengecek-nya Anda tinggal menggunakan tools dari sini Aktifkan fitur Intel Virtualization Technology melalui BIOS komputer Anda.
Lihatlah di bawah ini:

Pastikan CPU(R) Virtualization Technology bernilai YES. Jika belum Anda perlu enable di BIOS. Kebetulan saya menggunakan laptop acer sehingga secara default sudah bernilai YES, silahkan baca di sini untuk mengetahui support BIOS komputer Anda.

Pastikan CPU(R) Virtualization Technology bernilai YES. Jika belum Anda perlu enable di BIOS. Kebetulan saya menggunakan laptop acer sehingga secara default sudah bernilai YES, silahkan baca di sini untuk mengetahui support BIOS komputer Anda.
Setelah itu, Anda bisa lakukan instalasi Windows XP Mode, Windows Virtual PC, dan Windows XP Mode Update , secara berurutan.
Jika Anda sudah selesai menginstall ketiga di atas. sekarang ke Start Menu > Windows Virtual PC > Windows XP Mode. Anda di sini akan melakukan sedikit setting Windows XP Mode Anda.

Jika Anda sudah selesai menginstall ketiga di atas. sekarang ke Start Menu > Windows Virtual PC > Windows XP Mode. Anda di sini akan melakukan sedikit setting Windows XP Mode Anda.

Setelah itu, Anda bisa menikmati Windows XP Mode.
Partisi Hard disk komputer Anda pun terbaca di Windows XP Mode. Sekarang Anda bisa melakukan instalasi aplikasi-aplikasi Windows XP di Windows XP Mode ini. Bisa Full Screen dan mempunyai dukungan membanca USB Anda dan masih banyak fitur-fitur lainnya.
Semoga postingan ini membantu Anda.
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